Technologies: JavaScript, jQuery, SASS, HTML5, CSS3, Slim, Bourbon, Bitters, Neat, SVG, Gulp, Ruby on Rails, PDF export, user uploads (with Dragonfly, Oembed and Dropbox), Data importers and API consumption from Wootix and Google docs, Authentication/authorization (with Devise, authority), Testing suite (RSpec, Capybara, Travis), Heroku deployment
Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, Foundation, Slim, Ruby on Rails, Email importer(Mailman), Authentication(Devise)
This was my first website that I built for a client. It was a great website for my first exposure to coding. I am currently redesigning it with all the new technologies I learned at The Iron Yard.
This website will allow people to resell their gently used kids clothes to other parents. I am working on this with two fellow participants from my class at The Iron Yard.